Teamwork Aspects
This week was another great lesson for our team. When we make the Pad Thai this week, Mrs Hindson wrote down roles on our recipes so we were able to assign everyone roles so it was more organised this time around. An example of a role that I did was the cooking of the noodles, I had to watch over the stove and make sure that the noodles cooked properly and were, soft and easy to eat but still a little bit firm. I think that this addition made cooking much easier and made everyone's lives much easier. This weeks recipe was still quite simple, but the skills needed to be more of the measuring kind. The people in charge of making the sauce and the marinade needed to be very particular with their measurements because if they weren't it would throw off the taste of the dish.
I do think that we could have put less pepper in our final product as it threw off the taste quite a bit. I mean, I love pepper but it was way too overpowering. I would have prefered to put more of the sweet Chilli sauce in instead of the pepper but I wasn't in charge of the garnishing.
Product Outcome
We need to actually calm down on the salt and pepper because we keep on adding too much to our dishes and it ruins the taste for me. I do appreciate it when the pepper is there because it adds another flavour, but we need to balance the seasonings to fit the taste of the other elements. I love the enthusiasm we have but we need to think about the taste of the end product when seasoning. I would also use thicker noodles if I made this at home myself.
Next Steps
Next time I think we just need to continue what we are doing. I'm not sure if Mrs Hindson will be giving us roles to take next time so I think we should take the responsibility and create the roles ourselves that are even and that will allow everyone to do something. This lesson was excellent and I think we need to continue what we are doing.
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