
Monday 11 June 2018

100 word challenge - English

As Elana stepped into the psychiatric unit, she has a strange feeling in her bones. The foul-smelling, fact filing, Frank the psychiatric practitioner died as he was pushed down a well in the middle of the floor. This was really exceptional for Elena because the practitioner was her father so she got to inherit all of her father’s millions. She thought about all that she could do with that money,. The well swallowed him up like a vacuum cleaner. Many said that he died in his sleep, but no one will know how he really died… or will they?

Unrest, proper, Congress, resignation, fortune,

The man was expecting a great fortune, but all he got a proper beating. He was part of a congress, a proper idiot, he was as stupid as a sausage on steroids. He was about to fill in his resignation, but then the boss pulled his hand into a fist and beat him to death. Then he pulled the trigger of his gun. The gun sounded like a tree fall in the forest. No one was there to hear the blood-curdling screams. The gun was like a vacuum, sucking all of the life out of his soon unrestful body.


  1. Yaaaaaaas Nadia. You should write horror stories. Both of these are unsettling and keep me on edge.

  2. Great job Nadia!I noticed how you used a hyperbole and a simile. Next time, maybe look at making it a bit more appropriate for younger readers.

  3. Great work, Nadia. As jessica said I also noticed the simile in your story. Keep it up you legend!

  4. Go Nadia. You have used very amazing language features and your amazing creativity. If we ever get time to write more on it I think your story would be a novel.


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