
Friday 30 November 2018

WE ARE PERFORMING NEXT WEEK!!! Musical Theatre 2018

Here is a short and sweet reflection of musical theatre this week.

What have I learned so far?
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Here are Bugsy and Blousey
This year in musical theatre I have already learned so much, from how to properly do a Brooklyn accent, to learning how to not lose my voice while yelling. My character is Fat Sam Stacetto, a grumpy, but sweet gang leader who has to deal with a dumb gang. Sometimes getting that character across can be hard. Learning to not use a throaty sort of voice while yelling was hard for me. This year, I have the massive job of telling a lot of people off during the musical, sometimes I can get carried away and the loose control of my voice and strain my voice a bit to sound louder. But lately, I have been trying to take deeper, longer breaths instead of taking a short one and straining my vocal cords. Another new skill I had to learn this year was how to do a Brooklyn accent. When first practising my accent, I sounded quite southern, like I was from Texas or something. But when I got home, I started to watch videos on how to do a Brooklyn accent and that kind of helped my situation. But it was when I started watching shows with people that had Brooklyn accents was when I really picked it up. I have gotten the hang of it now and can make it sound somewhat legitimate.

How have I been challenged?
One of the biggest challenge this year was again, learning how to do a Brooklyn accent. I spent so long trying to get the hang of it, it was a good choice in the long run. It seems to make the musical more authentic. One of the other challenges I faced was getting into character. Fat Sam has so many layers to him. His character is quite complex, he is able to be happy one minute and the next minute, he is screaming at the top of his lungs. I have been told many times that I am intimidating, and Sam is intimidating, but is also very sweet and isn't completely mean like Scar was last year!

What have been my favourite moments so far? 
There have been so many highlights from this year so far! From being able to play a lead role, to having my own song, this year has been great so far. One of the biggest highlights for me was to play another "mean" character this year. Last year I got to play Scar in the Lion King, and this year I get to play another "meanie". I love playing mean characters, this year I get to yell a lot at people and I find that really fun sometimes. Last year as Scar, I didn't have the chance to sing "Be Prepared" that is in the musical, but this year I am glad to say that I have my own song, "Let me Entertain you" by Robbie Williams. I really like this song, and I haven't had a solo in a musical yet, so this year's show should be great!

What am I looking forward to?
This year I am very excited to perform. I love performing, it is one of my greatest hobbies to perform. There is something about performing on stage that I love. I haven't performed in a musical in a year and I am so excited to get on the stage again!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Nadi Good gob Nadi what was your dance about ? xoxo Jordan


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