
Tuesday 11 June 2019

Model Atoms

Aim: To make a model Atom.

- Tape
- Beads
- Blue Tack
- String
- Paper

- The first step when making a model atom is to figure out the number of electrons that the atom contains. The element that I chose to do was Boron. There are 5 total Electrons in total so I had to draw 5 circles in the shells.
- The second step was to create and cut out the shells for the model atom. I needed to cut out two shells so I drew out two shell shapes and then proceded to cut them out for the model. You don't need to make them exactly perfect but it is nice to have them even.
- The third step was to draw the electrons on the shells. I needed to draw 5 so on the smaller shell in the middle, I drew a group of two circles. Then on the next shell, the larger one, I proceeded to draw one singular circle and then I drew a group of two circles next to another.
- The fourth step in making a model atom is to create a nucleus, in the centre, you can see the nucleus has beads representing the Protons and Neutrons that your element has. My element had 6 Protons and Neutrons all together so I used three white beads to represent Protons and then green beads to represent Neutrons. I used three of each bead. After that, I just cut some string and stuck it all together.
- Finally, I created an element sign and made it look presentable.

So what are these Protons and Neutrons and all this smart sounding stuff? So Neutrons, Protons, Electrons, Nucleus' all make up atoms. What do atoms do? ATOMS MAKE UP EVERYTHING!!! It took our class a long time to understand this, but Atoms make up every single thing on this lonely universe. Every single plant, every single person and every single potato on this earth. Everything on this earth is made up of atoms. But what makes up an Atom?

Protons and Neutrons 
Protons and Neutrons are in the centre (Nucleus) of the Atom. Protons are positively charged particles found within an atomic nucleus. The number of protons in an atom defines what element it is. The number of protons is the atomic number in that Atom. Neutrons are uncharged particles found within an atomic nucleus.

Electrons are the primary source of electricity in solids. They are particles with a negative charge of Electricity and are found in all Atoms. These Electrons orbit around the atomic nucleus.

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