
Wednesday 24 May 2017

High impact - Force - Air resistance.

 Air Resistance

What is Air Resistance?                                                                   Air Resistance is a frictional force that air applies against a moving object. As a object moves, air resistance slows it down. The faster the object is moving, the more air resistance applied against it. Air resistance effects all moving things from airplanes, trains, cars, bicycles, even living things like a flying fox. 

What else does Air Resistance do?                                                On a sailboat the moving wind meets the resistance of the sail, and it pushes the sailboat along the water. When a flag is on the flag pole the movement of the wind meets the resistance of the flag which causes it to move around. When you throw a ball on the ground it will roll for a small distance and then it will stop. What causes that? Air resistance and friction. When you are sky diving and you are in mid air, you have a parachute right? When you launch the parachute the air resistance will cause the parachute to slow down. 

What would happen if there was no Air Resistance?                     Any moving object would only stop if it met a obstacle. Any moving object would not slow down if it was in the air. If there was no Air Resistance hailstones and rain would hit the Earth faster, but they would melt before they hit the ground because of the heat being produced by the speed. 

Air Resistance around you...                                                       There are many sources of Air Resistance around you.  For example 
Drop a leaf of paper and a pen at the same time. Which one dropped faster? The pen of course. Why? The pen is sleek and has a round waist, allowing air to easily move out of its way. The paper has a huge flat side, which makes it difficult for air to move past.               

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