
Thursday 25 May 2017

High impact - Force - Force

What is Force?
We need force to make objects move. It could either be push or pull. Force can make things speed up or slow them down. For example, if you were driving a car and it suddenly came to a stop... what would you do? You would push the car to the nearest petrol station wouldn't you. While pushing the car you are using the push force.  Also the grips on your shoes are creating Friction. If you had a heavy box to move across your room, you might push it or pull it. The force would be working on the box in the same direction. It wouldn't matter to the box if you pushed it or pulled it. The amount of force needed to move the box would be the same. The direction of the force would also be the same. When you push or pull a box, it is easy to see where the force is coming from. But it's harder to see forces at work when we think about a person or an animal moving.

What else does Force do?

Forces change motion and shape. The force of a foot kicking a ball speeds the ball up. The force of a parachute on a skydiver slows the skydiver down. The force of a ball  of paper on a string constantly changes the direction of motion, keeping it moving in a circle. Combinations of forces applied to something can stretch, twist, and crush them.

What would happen if there was no Force?

If there was no force, nothing would exist. This is because if there was no gravitational force,
then Planet Earth would fly off into tiny chunks. If there was no Air Resistance, then everything in the sky would fall to the ground at groundbreaking speeds. If there was no friction, everything on the ground would act like they are on a ice skating rink, they would 
slip everywhere!

Force around you...
Force is all around you. Anything you do is a part of Force. Look around you, and chances are you'll see things moving. Cars move. People move. Elevators move up and down in tall buildings. Shopping carts move around in supermarkets. Balls fly through the air when they are thrown. You might not think about why these things move. Cars, elevators, and balls don't just move by themselves. Something is making them move. Forces make things move.  

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