
Thursday 7 September 2017

Senses - practical

This morning in science we did a practical on 3 of the senses. We had to eat, touch and smell all of these things and these were my guesses. Some of these were hard to guess. 

Taste - 
1t - Vegemite
2r - Apple Sauce
3r - Cornflakes
4r - Marshmellows
5r - Sour Patch kids

Smell -
1.. Salt and vinegar
4.. Banana 
5.. coffee 
6.. Chocolate 
7.. Onion 

Touch - 
1. Grass
2. Pegs
3. Pine cones
4. Ping pong ball 
5. Buttons
6. String 
7. Cotton wool 
8. Lentils 
9. Marbles
10. Pipe cleaners 

Reflection on the practical - 
This period of science was fun. I enjoyed it. 

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