
Thursday 21 February 2019

Creative Writing Reflection 📖

Image result for englishFor the past few weeks in English, our class has been learning about creative writing. Creative writing is one of my favourite aspects of English because we get the chance to use our imagination and create something completely original. I enjoy learning about creative writing because I get the chance to write stories and/or novels about anything I want to. I also learned that creative writing is more than just writing narratives, but also forms of poetry and even spoken word or language featurettes! Here is the reflection of my time in English so far!

The first task we were given was the soundtrack of our life. This task was fun because we got to choose 6-8 songs that are special to us and make a google slide about them. I choose 7 songs just because it's in the middle! I choose songs that are particularly special to me, and that I enjoy listening to. This task was quite challenging for me, only because I had to figure out exactly why I liked the songs, most songs I just like for no real reason. But these songs are quite meaningful to me and are very special in my opinion. You may notice that a lot of these songs are Malay, well my Mother is Malay, so I grew up with most of these songs. She sang a lot of these with me as a child, and a lot of my childhood was learning these songs and dancing to them.

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Then it was on to "proper" work. We were then given a task matrix, this matrix consisted of work that we had to do at our own pace, but have completed by Friday the 22nd of February.  This work was about Creative Writing. I enjoyed all of these tasks and seemed to get them completed at a good pace. I  managed to get all of these tasks done by Tuesday the 19th of February, so I had time to do any further editing and make my google slide look pretty! I used a really nice template that I got online to make my google slide more appealing. All of my work seems to be good, but there is always room for improvement! I enjoyed using a matrix because we got to work at our own pace, but we had to have it done by a certain deadline! Having a matrix is how I would prefer to do my English work. Not only because we can work at our own pace, but so we can also choose which task we would like to do first, I prefer to get the "harder" ones done first just so I can get them over and done with.

Halfway through doing the task matrix, we watched a video about growth mindsets. After watching the video, we were tasked with making a piktochart with three important points made in the video. I choose to make quite a nice wee presentation sort of piktochart, using nice quotes and images to enhance my presentation. I thought that the video was very informative and important for students to watch, so they are more interested in learning and growing their brains. Fixed mindsets are what commonly stop students from working to their full potential. Growth mindsets are commonly taught around the world and are beginning to be more common in students and even adults!

Image result for creative writing quotesAfter we finished the Growth Mindset poster task, we got back onto working on our task matrix, I began with sensory language. I enjoyed doing the sensory language tasks because I like to use sensory language to write really dark stories. The stories or paragraphs that I write are usually really dark stories, and the sensory language can make it way more interesting. The sensory language story or paragraph that I wrote wouldn't have been as interesting if I didn't use sensory language. I really enjoyed doing the Sensory Language task.

The next task that I did was SLAM poetry, I really like this task because I hadn't heard of SLAM poetry before. I had heard of a similar form of poetry called spoken word, which is in fact quite similar to SLAM poetry, except SLAM poetry seems to be more aggressive. I thoroughly enjoyed learning about it because poetry is really interesting and a beautiful form of art. The SLAM poem I reviewed was a beautiful piece about New Zealand and how we have lost some of our old values.

Image result for quotes about writingAfter SLAM poetry, I worked on Metaphors and Similies. Learning about Metaphors and Similies is quite important because they can make pieces of writing way more interesting. I didn't really use Metaphors or Similies in my own writing, but I think that I will now! I think that they are going to make my work more interesting and more enjoyable for the reader.

Language Features was the next task on the matrix for me to do. Our task for Language Features was to create a piktochart about a Language Feature or two. I decided to do a poster on Colloquial Language or Language that is informal. This type of language should not be used in emails, especially business emails. I don't know if I will use Colloquial Language in any of my writing pieces, but they may come in handy! 

The very last task for me to do was write three haikus. Haikus are a form of Japanese Poetry that consists of 17 syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and five again. It is a very short form of Japanese poetry. We had to write haikus about seasons, the season I chose was Summer. Summer is such a nice season unless it's too hot. I really liked writing Haikus because it allowed me to be creative and extend my knowledge as well!

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