
Monday 25 March 2019

Final Reflection blog post for Narrative Writing task Matrix

For English, our latest unit has been narrative writing. Using a task matrix, we had tasks to complete each lesson. Learning about narrative writing has been really interesting because I have had a chance to improve my skills with writing itself. I have learned heaps about showing and not telling. Show not tell is a technique used in mainly narrative writing to describe the events happening. Instead of telling them what's happening, you describe what's happening. Using this technique has improved my writing because I am finding myself using more and more interesting language.

What has been my favourite part?
My favourite part has been learning about show, not tell. Throughout this unit, I have seen my writing skills grow and improve! Show, not tell has made my writing more interesting and actually seems to have great hooks. This part is my favourite because it has grown my English skills as a whole.

What style of learning work best for you?
In English, I prefer to write on my own. This is because creativity, especially in writing, is easier for me if I do work alone. Being creative takes a lot of focus and being focused is very hard if there are other people distracting you. So working alone seems to be the option I prefer.

I really enjoyed working on this unit. Using your creativity to create something amazing is so enjoyable. I like writing very dark stories, so this unit has helped me extend my skills on doing that.

Here is my google slide with my completed tasks.



  1. Hi Nadia!

    Nadia, do we need to have an intervention? Your stories are always very dark (and I'n not complaining) and you'd make a great horror fiction writer! Your 3rd opening line reminds me of a show called Count Duckula for some reason. You should look it up on youtube because I think you would like it. I don't quite know what to put for your critique other than maybe next time you should push yourself to write one thing a little less gruesome (you don't have to though cause I just don't know what to write). Anyway great presentation!

  2. Hey Nadia!

    As always your blog posts are perfect! The detail you go into is amazingly accurate and the slideshow is beautiful. I personally love the darkness you have put into your writing, as I love writing the darker side of things as well. I really haven't got much to critique as your writing is perfectly done. You have a wonderful set up, you went the extra way to put those amazing quotes in before moving onto the next task, I honestly couldn't find a thing wrong if I tried!



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