
Tuesday 26 March 2019

First Health Blog Post For The Year!

For Health so far this term, our class has been learning about Taha Wairua or Spiritual Wellbeing. As a part of the Wellbeing unit, Taha Wairua is one of the essential walls in the Whare of wellbeing.

What is the Whare Tapa Wha?
Whare Tapa Wha is your general wellbeing. The four main pillars or walls of wellbeing are Taha Tinana (Physical Wellbeing), Taha Hinengaro (Mental and emotional wellbeing), Taha Wairua (Spiritual Wellbeing), and Taha Whanau (Social wellbeing). If one of these dimensions of health collapses, then the house will fall. The Whare is sort of a metaphor for a persons wellbeing if one of the dimensions of wellbeing collapses, so does the person.

Taha Wairua
Taha Wairua is Spiritual wellbeing. Many people associate spirituality with religion, but it is much more than that. It is important for people to explore what they believe in and what their values are. Keeping spiritual wellbeing in check can involve activities such as meditation, prayer, and even practising religion. Spiritual wellbeing can be linked to personal values, beliefs etc.

Our First Task
For our first task, we had to write down who we are as a person, on an identity poster. I found this task a bit hard because it's a bit hard to name who you are and describe who you are as a person. I made my Poster fairly simple, with just a few words that people use to describe who I am. Using two colours, I made my poster look pretty and looking neat and tidy! Almost everyone in our class calls me Mum, so I just put it down on my poster, just to clarify.

Personal Values Assesment 
After completing our posters, we took a personal values assessment. Using this link we each took a personal values assessment. After a series of questions, the website determined our values. Once we received our results, we looked at our results about us as a person, and then based on these results, made a table about two of these values. The two values or attributes I chose were reliability and wisdom. These two values are quite important to me as they make me who I am. On the screenshot to the right, I have my values and how they make me, well me!

1 comment:

  1. I am really impressed with the quality answers and information that you have provided. It is great to see that you are using the Maori and English terms for Hauora. The values that you have written about are wonderful values to have as a person. I do see both of those values (and more) in the way you manage yourself, your dedication to work and your commitment to our class. Keep up the excellent work, Nadia. You are doing really well in Health. keep aiming for your best.


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