
Thursday 22 August 2019

Second Practical Lesson for Home Economics Semester 2

Fish & Chips 

Teamwork aspect 
This time during our cook, we did not assign roles, instead, we winged it and volunteered when there was a job that needed to be done. As our group has not had a chance to talk one-on-one with each other, we have still not fully pinned down what each of our strengths is. We do know that Jessica is very good with measurements so we let her do that. I am quite good on the stove and with mixing so our group when we get a chance to work on the stove, I will try to utilise my strengths with that. 

This time, our group did a much better job of communicating with each other. I do think that next time we need to work on reading the recipe properly and thoroughly. Although we had quite good instructions from Mrs Hindson, the team member in charge of cutting the fish did not cut it properly. I think we need to work on listening skills and need to improve our communication and listening skills further. 

The outcome of our product 
Image result for fish and chips
  • As said before, we did not cut our fish properly and this led to some issues figuring out if our fish would cook properly. It also leads to the fish falling apart. 
  • If we had another chance to cook this version of Fish & chips, we would cut the fish properly and season the chips better. We lacked the nice seasoned taste with those chips. 
  • The fish actually tasted quite nice and had not too much of that fishy taste, the crumbs on top of it made it taste very delicious. By the time I got to eat the chips, they were soggy, but this was because I had to wait for the interval to eat them, they were nice and fluffy, but a little extra salt and pepper would be nice. 
  • We also forgot to take a photo of what our fish and chips tasted like, so we do not have evidence of what it tasted like, but it did look something like this. 
Next steps 
Next time we need to actually take photos of our product and need to make sure that we communicate properly within our group. We need to actually assign roles and make sure that everyone follows through with our roles. We also need to read the recipe properly because this was the start of all of the issues during this lesson. 

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