
Tuesday 20 August 2019

Technology and Change 2019 Are students addicted to their cellphones?

Are students addicted to their cellphones? Is this an issue? 
Cellphone addiction is a very serious issue, especially when it comes to students in the 21st Century. Nowadays, children are brought up with all of these screens. From the moment they step out into the world, they are exposed to these cellular devices and are always on them from the moment they wake up. Students are in the age group of people that spend a large amount of time on their phones, on a daily basis, students are checking their devices and using them for many different purposes. Although the internet is a very wonderful place, sometimes it can be a very negative space and can sometimes cause issues. Youth spend extensive hours watching videos or on social media platforms and can sometimes lose themselves in the excitement. Face-to-face socialisation isn't a very common way of communication anymore, people prefer to video chat or email their colleagues instead of actually talking to them. From birth, people become addicted to cellular devices, especially students in the 21st Century.  

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Miss Officer!

    I enjoyed your paragraph and thought it brought up some good points. I thought some of your sentences were starting and stopping at some points. However I like how you brought up how the current generation is brought up surrounded by screens.

    Ka Rawe Nadia!



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