
Thursday 3 May 2018

We actually did it! Reflection of the Revolting children musical piece..

Revolting Children
What have I learnt?
This term in Drama, we have been learning a lot about musicals. I have learnt many new things about musicals. After being in the Lion King, I had a massive interest about musicals and I have since grown a passion about them as well. I have learnt that it takes more than just an actor and a song to make up a musical. There are many elements of musicals, not just the songs and the dancing. In some cases, many actors in musicals have years of ballet experience, some actors have had classes in facial expressions. The costume and set designers have many years of fashion and architecture experience.

What did I find challenging?
The thing that I found the most hard was getting my head around the choreography, I am not very good at dancing so I was a bit nervous about that part. But I managed to learn it and remember it for most of the performance.

What would I do differently if I did it again?
I would probably practice more of the choreography, I did okay but I think that I could learn it a bit more. I didn't practice enough for my liking. I did enjoy dancing though.

What did I enjoy?
I enjoyed the chance to be a complete idiot! The whole song was about how we children are revolting. I enjoyed using my facial expressions in the musical performance. I love it when people use all their energy in their performance.

What am I wondering?
I am wondering how long it took for the actually Matilda cast to learn their dance and lyrics. There are many complicated dances and lyrics in the performance.

What was it like performing on the day?
I really enjoyed performing revolting children. I knew most of the moves. But there is a part where I forgot and just played the character as the really energetic one. I felt a bit sad that I wasn't one of the main people in this particular performance but I understand why I wasn't. But I tried my best to be the most energetic person on that stage. 

The time warp

What did I find challenging?
I found that it was hard to work with people that don't want to do anything. Most of the people in my class didn't look like they wanted to be there. I wasn't nervous at all, but that is because I feel the most comfortable on the stage.

What would I do differently if I did it again?
I would work with the class more on the dance moves and the expressions because no one except Jess and I looked like they wanted to be there.

What did I enjoy?
If i'm being honest, I enjoyed being recognised by other students the most. It's quite nice being known as the kid that knows the dance moves and as the kid that is energetic and fun.

What am I wondering?
I am wondering what our class piece would look like if we perfected it. I also am wondering low long it took others to learn the words as I already knew them.

What was it like performing on the day?
For me personally, I really enjoyed performing. I was centre stage and I love that. I love being on the stage, and putting myself out there. It was a bit sad that some of my class didn't show any enthusiasm at all, but at least Jess and I were there to show a lot of energy. If you can't tell, I'm the one in the front dancing.

The video of our performance isn't working on my chromebook at the moment. But as soon as it works, I will add to this post so stay tuned!

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