
Tuesday 8 May 2018

What type of government New Zealand has (I finished first)

There are three elements of the New Zealand system of government. The first one is the Legislature also known as Parliament. This is our house of representatives where all the MP's sit. The next element is the executive branch also known as the government. It runs the country. They also make decisions on what and how New Zealand spends their money. The final element is the judiciary, The courts. They are judges and courts. They interpret the law and make changes to it. These elements are very important to New Zealand because they all have a big impact to New Zealand and its future generation. For instance, Parliament makes all the laws, update old ones and give a voice to the people without and approve the government taxes and spending. The government is also very important to New Zealand because it basically runs the country. They make decisions on what New Zealand should spend their money on. They suggest new laws to Parliament, and decides on policies which get put into practice by government departments. Lastly, the judiciary is also very important because they explain the law in cases the come before the court by hearing and deciding cases. They sometimes review decisions made by the government. Overall, the three elements of the New Zealand Government is very important, they impact our everyday lives.

In New Zealand we have 7 political partys - National, Green, Labour, New Zealand 1st, Maori and ACT. At the moment our Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, is leader of the Labour Party.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great overview of the political system in New Zealand. Although it isn't perfect, we do have it very lucky that this is they way our country is organised. Can you believe that there was once a time (and actually is still the case in some countries) where ONE person made all the decisions? It's madness, I tell you, madness! Think of all the people that you know who would make a terrible king or queen... Do you think you would be able to handle absolute power, or would it go to your head?


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