
Monday 20 August 2018

Health and Safety, what the heck is it?

My very first lessons in HomeEc were good lessons. The first few lessons were focused around health and safety. We started to look at things like what chopping boards to use and when. We also learned about cross contamination and how to ensure that it doesn't happen. We talked about bacteria and how it spreads. We did a group discussion about personal safety and hygiene. Learning about this is quite important for
your safety and personal hygiene.  

Image result for savoury bread cases1st practical- For our first practice we made savory bread cases with bread, cream corn, margarine,  garlic salt, salt, and pepper. This was quite an easy practical to start off with. It was a great way to ease into the routine that we will get used to having in the foods room. I thought that the end result was delicious! We all ate them quickly.

2nd practical- For our second practical, we made chicken stir fry. This one was a bit more technical, we were cooking chicken. Using the induction cooktops was quite a challenge for me as I had never used them before. We had to include an array of vegetables, our group chose to use, carrots, cabbage, broccoli, peas, and corn. Our group decided that using sweet chilli sauce was essential to our stir-fry. I used heaps because I am quite immune to heat. Our end result was delicious! We spent quite a while on making the stir-fry delicious, and it paid off.  Can you tell how tired we are after slaving over a hot stove for an \


What is bacteria?
Bacteria is a single-celled organism that can be both good and bad. When it comes to food, bacteria can cause you sickness. Most foods when not cooked properly can cause food poisoning, and that's not good. The bacteria in chicken is called salmonella. If you don't use the correct times, you could get food poisoning.

Reflection for Friday's practical lesson,
Last Friday we did had a practical lesson, we baked sultana scones. To put it simply, our lesson was well, rushed, our bells weren't working in our last class so we were around 10-15 minutes late. This slowed our lesson down, we had to prepare our benches, wash our hands etc in order to get ready for the lesson. This took quite a long time and didn't leave us much time to do the cooking itself! Our final product was quite doughy because we didn't bake it for long enough.

What went well on Friday?

On Friday our group did quite well, we managed to stay on track and watch our time.

What do we need to improve?
We need to be more organized with who's doing which job. We were a bit confused about who should do what job and we spent too much time deciding what to do. Doing this will allow us to progress quicker.

What was something you learned?
That scones taste really bad if you don't bake it for long enough.

This is one of the first pieces of work that I did for theory work. It is a word art with all of the rules and routines in the foods room. I used the shape of a birthday cake. Things on the list include wash your hands, tie your hair back, take off jewelry etc. The purpose of this word art is to draw attention to the rules and routines used in the foods room. The use of colour etc will draw people to look at it and take notice of the rules. 

Here is the link to the scone recipe our class used,

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