
Thursday 2 August 2018

Writing jingles and how to perfect them...

When an ad is on the tv, I often wonder, who was the genius who wrote them? For music this term we are learning about jingles. I have created a piktochart on how to write the perfect jingle.

What am I learning?

I am learning how to write a perfect jingle.

How does this show my learning?

This shows my learning because it proves that I did research about the topic and showed my learning in an attractive way.

What am I wondering?
How long does the process of making a jingle take? I will be finding this out soon because our class will be writing a jingle. 

Reviews of fun jingles:

Kiwi burger
The kiwi burger is an NZ burger that is advertised with the classic New Zealand kiwi-burger jingle. This jingle shows an array of New Zealand Kiwiana things. I give this ad a 9/10.

The Warehouse 

This is another iconic NZ ad. Whenever you hear the song, you know exactly what is being advertised. I think that this jingle is great. I give this an 8/10

Toy world

I love this jingle so much. Its all I sang when I was younger, even though I almost never went to Toy world. When you hear the jingle, you know where the best toys come from right? I give it a 7/10

Tasti Bars 

I really like this ad, the use of the catchy song, rhythm, and classic Kiwiana.  This ad is so great, I used to know all the words. I give this ad a 10/10.

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