
Wednesday 11 September 2019

Home Economics Mix and Match activity Week 7

Something that I learned (mix and match cards) 
When the English settlers came to New Zealand, they brought their own different hunting methods, and ways of cooking compared to the Maoris. There were various hunting methods that the Maori people were not aware of that the English brought to New Zealand. The Maori knew about traps and spears, but the English introduced them into guns and other forms of hunting. These guns have now developed into different forms of technology for gathering food.

What can you see happening to our food in the future (50years)? What could you invent to change or directly effect relating to how food is produced for a cheaper price in the future? 
Food is necessary for survival, everyone needs it, without it, we all perish. Every being on this Earth needs food but with recent occurrences, we need to create different ways of producing food and meals that are available to everyone for cheap prices, that contains all the ingredients necessary to be nutritious and tasty. In the next 50 years, I think that the food eaten will be produced in labs as recently, new forms of lab-developed foods have been sold in stores and the idea seems to be quite popular with pretty healthy people. I don't really know if that is a good thing or a bad thing because we do need better ways of producing healthy and nutritious foods that won't be hard on the environment because the ways we are currently producing food is probably not the best way for the environment. But the food produced in 50 years time may be more focused on nutrition than the actual taste of the food. If it were to be produced in a lab it might not be the tastiest. If I could, I
would have a different, more effective way of producing meat products. I do think that the way we are going with lab-produced food is a good idea, but I would prefer a way of producing food that is similar to that but has quite a meaty taste to it. I do think that finding different means to particularly meat products would be quite difficult, especially for cheaper prices. I think that something such as using local labs maybe even in grocery stores that are quite small so that the stores can have their product fresh every day would be something cool. Using small local labs would be cheaper than having one big lab then shipping them different places would be interesting. 

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