
Tuesday 3 September 2019

The construction of the Great Pyramids of Giza

Still, to this day, Egyptologists aren't completely sure about how the Great Pyramids of Giza were built. There are many theories as to how these structures were crafted and experts are trying to develop ways to recreate these Pyramids or to simply figure out how they were built. These ancient Egyptian burial tombs were built to honour the Pharos and higher-ranking officials. Although many people believe that these pyramids were built by slaves, they are now actually believed to be built by Egyptians that lived in that area. Proof of villages abundant with bakeries and other proof of life is situated near the pyramids and seem to have been there for many years. For years, scientists, Egyptologists and Archaeologists have been trying to piece together exactly how these Ancient Egyptians built these structures. Over a span of centuries, the ancient Egyptians created techniques and different forms of technology to build these pyramids. Limestone was one of the materials used to build the pyramids. It was what made up most of the materials used in the construction and the rough Limestone was used in the core of the pyramid. Workers took the stone in blocks by marking out crevices and then transporting them to the construction site. Various tools such as pounders, chisels, hammers and pickaxes made from granite were used to remove the blocks and to carve them into rectangle shapes. Limestone was used in various ways by the Egyptians. Fine, white Limestone was used for the interior decoration of the temples and tombs of the pyramids, whereas the lower-grade limestone was used in other ways, and is normally found in the core of the temples. The ancient Egyptians, in conclusion, had very advanced technology for their time. Their different forms of technology and innovations have really influenced the world we live in today.

Image result for the construction materials of the great pyramidsThe use of Limestone was quite an advanced move for the Egyptians. Limestone was a very easy material for the Egyptians to use for the construction and was used for various reasons. It was very easy to cut, extract and to polish, it did look pretty nice for the aesthetics as well. Extracted from the soil near the construction sites, Limestone was used inside and outside of the pyramids and is found in many other ancient artifacts in Egypt. The Egyptians have developed many interesting technologies and advancements that have been further developed our world and have been developed more and more since the time of the Egyptians. I do think that the world has improved technology-wise after the time of the Egyptians. Ever since the ancient Egyptians first developed these different forms of technology, our world has developed more and more technologies that have further improved our lives.

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