
Monday 13 November 2017

First day of Musical theatre FOA2017

Today for the first day of the festival of the arts, I started my journey in the Art of musical theatre. The musical we are going to perform is The Lion King.

Although the final product will be a performance of The Lion King, when signing up for musical theatre, you're really signing up to do three things; singing, dancing, and acting.

First of all, we played some theatre sport games, the games we played where... tequila, magic mirror, copy clap and 123. We played all of these games to improve our theatre skills.
Image result for the lion king
Secondly, we did some singing.
Our vocal warms up lasted a few minutes to warm up our vocal chords and prepare us for singing. Then we got into two groups - altos and sopranos, and sang a short song from the Lion King. I was an alto, we sang the low part of the song and stomped out feet to stay in the rhythm.

  Another thing we did was choreography, as there will be a lot of dancing involved. Lining up in rows, Ms Beer first taught us choreography to the song "Can't Stop The Feeling".The second dance we did was thriller by Micheal Jackson. The cool part was that we had to act like zombies, all of this was really fun and different from other things I've done. 

One of the opportunities we where given is a solo and main acting role. Personally I would like to be either Scar or one of the Hyenas mainly because I like being scary. My next step is to audition for the role of a character. I really hope I get a chance to be one of the characters I want.

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