
Tuesday 21 November 2017

It's a lion! Third day of musical theatre

Today, Thursday the 16th of November, in preparation for our lesson, we had to get changed into our P.E gear as today, we would be doing a lot of moving around.

The first vocal exercise started off with a simple 8 count warm up with Miss Richardson and our other warm-up that is "Mini mini ma, Mini mini ma, mini mini, ma ma ma ma ma" repeated over and over. This both really help with singing higher parts and overall warming up my voice. I find the mini ma one is an easy way of warming up.

The third warm up we did was a short yet hard vocal exercise called:  Rossini: William Tell Overture: Final. It is a iconic race tune.  You first have to sing the verse, "Papa's gotta ping pong, gotta ping pong ball" to the tune, which seems simple enough until you try it with the dance moves. Start with your right arm, start with it up then pull it down to the beat, a simple 1, 2, 1, 2. Again, still seems easy. Then with your left arm, start with it up, then pull it so you're pointing to the side, then down. Now put it all together. It's super hard to sing and control your arms at the same time. But when you d musical theatre, it's really important to be able to multitask. 

After we were all warmed up, we played Space Jump,  space jump is an improvisation game where the main aspect is to have one person start out doing something like, let's say, bouncing a ball. After a random amount of time a judge or teacher says "Freeze" or "Space Jump." That person then freezes for the next person to come up and create a new scene based on the pose the last person was in. But to put it simply, here's a video with an example, and probably a better explanation. 

After that we did some choreography to Hakuna Matata, which will be a song sung by Nathan and Desharn. We all have gotten a hold of the choreography and we have all leaned a small fraction of the songs.

Quick update... I got the part I wanted. I am so thrilled to be a lead in this musical and I hope I add a bit of scariness to this musical.  

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