
Tuesday 21 November 2017

We are getting so close! - Fourth day of musical theatre

Today for musical theatre we went through the script and our animal characters. 

First of all we started off with our usual warm ups, which include mini mini ma, papas gotta ping pong ball and our dance. But we did start a different vocal warm up. This time it was a different tune and an "ooo" sound. 
Image result for scar the lion king
For something different we started going over our lines... which was quite exciting considering that I have one of the leads. We basically just went over what expressions etc that we should use. 

Since my character Scar is the villain, I will have to act scary. In the movie, Scar kills his older brother in order to become king. But there is just one problem, he doesn't manage to get rid of the kings son Simba. That is what stops him from becoming king. 

*What is your animal? My animal is Scar the lion. 
Image result for scar the lion king
*What does your animal look like? Scar is a lion that has dark brown-red fur, a coal-black sleek mane, heavy-lidded, sinister green eyes, and arched eyebrows. He is long and lanky to the point of being thin and weak, with a scar across his left eye, which was given to him by a cape buffalo in Boma's herd.

*How does your animal move? If you look at a clip of Scar on youtube Here you will notice that Scar has a long stride, that looks slightly elegant. I will try portray that. I will bring some more femininity to Scar character. 

*What are your characters personality traits?  Scar is highly intelligent and charismatic, able to rally the hyenas to his cause and gain their loyal trust. Since he has a quite elegant stride, I will try and portray that. I think that is quite important to do. He also has quite a posh-ish sounding voice. He is quite confident, until he has to fight. When he is in those situations his quite often runs away. 

Image result for scar the lion king gif


  1. Hi Nadia. I liked your blog post about the Festival of The Arts. I particularly enjoyed how you included some of your character's main characteristics using excellent words, however next time you could possibly include a picture in your blog post to give your readers a better image. Tell me, what has been your favourite part of Festival of The Arts so far?

    1. Thank you Jaime, I will be sure to fix up those mistakes very soon. My favourite part is most definitely the acting because that is my forte but everything is extremely exiting.
      - Nadia


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