
Monday 11 December 2017

Prize giving 2K17

Today was not only our last day of school for 2017, but it was also yr 7 & 8 prize giving. Today I was awarded two awards. The first award was for my involvement in performing arts, the award was call the performing arts award. I got this because I did a whole lot of performing arts this year. This year I did the Shakespeare Festival for the second time, I did the lion king musical, read about it Here, and I was also going to do the 48hour film festival but I couldn't because it was a family members birthday. Not only did I get a certificate, but I also got a trophy which will have my name engraved on it and put in a trophy cabinet. I am very proud of myself for getting this award because performing arts is my passion.

I also got another award, 1st in cooking. If i'm being honest, I don't think I am that good at cooking, but I am proud that I got this award. With this award I was given a set of measuring cups which will be handy in future cooking. I am so grateful for this award and I would like to give a big thank you to the people that gave it to me.

Here are some photos...


  1. Kia Ora Nadia, I was scrolling through the Uru Manuka twitter when the photos and title of the blog post caught my attention and I HAD to stop and read it. Congratulations on your awards, what a wonderful achievement to have your name forever engraved in Hornby High School history. You have clearly taken opportunities this year and made people take notice of you. I love that even though school has finished that you have taken the time to start holiday blogging. What goals are you going to set yourself for next year now that you've done so well as a year 8? I'd love to see you as a House Leader, you have so much passion and energy to share.
    Enjoy your holidays and I will see you next year!

    1. Kia Ora Miss Richardson,
      Sorry for the late reply. Thank you for the feedback, I have tried to put myself out there to make people to take notice of me. Lately after the musical performance, I had many people that I don't even know that well congratulate me. I haven't really though of many goals for 2018 yet but I most definitely want to be head girl in year 13 so next year I have to put myself out there and make sure people know who I am as much as I can. I want to take part in as much as I can next year, I am considering signing up to be a house leader closer to year 13 so the people that are voting for head boy and head girl know who I am.
      Have a very Merry Christmas and I will see you next year!
      - Nadia


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