
Wednesday 20 December 2017

Summer learning journey week one day three: It's all in the family

Activity 1: The More The Merrier?
In the 1800s, most families were pretty big. In fact, many parents had an average of seven to nine children. Imagine that you were a child in the 1800s and you had nine siblings. On your blog, please tell us how you would feel. Would you enjoy being a member of such a large family? Why or why not?

Personally I wouldn't like to have seven to nine brothers or sisters, especially if I was the oldest! The stress wouldn't only effect my parents, it would effect me as well! It's hard enough having one sister and one brother but seven, eight or nine! My parents probably wouldn't have enough time for me because they would wither be working to provide for us or be looking after the younger ones. But if you weren't the oldest you would probably be okay because you would have older siblings to confide in without worries of them judging you. So no, I wouldn't like to have seven to nine siblings. It would be too stressful!

Activity two: Acknowledging Ancestry

All of us are members of a family. Some of us have large families and some of us have very small families. When I have the opportunity to talk about my family and my ancestry I sometimes choose to use a pepeha. It is a very special way of identifying who I am and where I come from. There are many different versions of pepeha but most provide people with information about who you are and where you come from (i.e. your whakapapa).

I did my mihi in Malay my mothers language. I speak it lightly and I did this myself. The translations on the slides are lightly translated. I did this in my own language to show my Ancestry. I am half Malaysian half European aka Eurasian. I wanted to showcase my language and took the chance to celebrate it.  

Bonus Activity: Fun Family Facts 
Everyone’s family is unique. What makes your family special? Choose three people close to you and ask them what their two favourite things to do in summer are. Then on your blog, write two fun facts about each person.

My mothers favourite things to do in the summer is going to the beach and having picnics.
My younger sister Jordan's favourite thing to do in the summer is go to the swimming pool and go on our water slide.
My fathers favourite thing to do in the summer is to relax in the sun and eat ice cream.

Fun facts about my mother...
1. My mum works in a factory called Tegal. Tegal is a chicken and turkey factory. Which means our family gets chicken at a special price.
2. My mother also is from a country called Malaysia, the city/town my mother is from is called Johor Baru!

Fun facts about my sister...
1. My sister Jordan (age 8) is a really good swimmer. She enjoys swimming in her own time.
2. Jordan is also very bold, she is not afraid to tell you what she thinks.

Fun facts about my dad...
1. My father is originally from Invercargill, he moved to Christchurch when he was 12.
2. My father is a cleaner at my school, so before I went to the school last year, he already showed me where some of the classrooms where.

Fun facts about my brother...
1. My brother lives in Kalgoorlie Australia, he works as an engineer in the mines, he fixes the big machines.
2. My brother was born and raised in Malaysia, he and my mother moved to New Zealand when he was nine.


  1. Hi Nadia,

    Wow! Another Awesome blog post. Well done!

    I think you're right that there would be a lot of pressure if you were the oldest in a big family! You would probably end up helping your parents a lot.

    Your Mihi is incredible! Thank you so much for doing it in your mothers language, it was awesome to read and watch. How cool that you speak some Malay. I really enjoyed finding out more about your history.

    Those are great facts! Your family sounds lovely :) Can you think of any facts about your brother? He might feel left out!

    I look forward to reading more of your blog. You're doing an amazing job!

    1. Hello Ruby,
      I am glad that you enjoyed reading my mihi, I wanted to show my culture in this since it is about were you come from.

      I added some facts about my brother, I had to wait for some facts from him because he lives in Australia. It can be a bit hard to contact him because of the time differences.

      - Nadia

    2. Hi Nadia,

      Those are cool facts about your brother! I bet he misses you when he's in Australia. Time differences can be bit tricky! My Grandma lives in Australia and it can be difficult to ring her up at the right time.


  2. Kiaora Naida.

    Clare here again from the Summer Learning Journey, I work with the students in Ako Hiko in Auckland, and today I have the pleasure of working with the Uru Manuka cluster. So you might see me commenting on other students from your school too.
    You are a very active blogger and I can see you are enjoying the tasks as you are doing a wonderful job posting lots of information for each of the tasks.

    I have enjoyed reading through each task here in the post and seeing google slide presentation you made for sharing you Mihi, this ties in nicely with you also sharing an image of your Whanau. So lovely to see you in the image looking so happy.
    Also I have learnt lots about your family and what you guys like to do in your spare time and also for work. Lucky you getting to eat chicken lots as your mum gets it for a cheaper price.

    I really enjoyed learning lots about you and hearing that your brother works in the mines! wow what a amazing job that must be for him. But living so far away from you and your family must be also really challenging as well. Western Australia is about 7 hours from here on a plane. I also have my husbands family who live in Perth which is fairly close to where you brother works.
    Have you ever been lucky enough to visit there? I have been to Perth once before in 2015.
    Im so pleased I got to learn more about you and where you come from. I love Christchurch and I think you are very blessed to be able to live in such a cool city.

    Comment below as I would love to hear back from you.



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