
Wednesday 6 December 2017

A brush with death and a rebellious act, Narrative one

For our writing last week, we had to write a narrative from a list of prompts our teacher gave us.
Number 32 (a brush with death) I know this is pretty average but I like the way I used the cliffhanger at the

- Penelope is the daughter of a serial killer who terrorises everyday people. But one day, when Penelope brother is one of those people, Penelope does what she can to get vengeance for her brother.

Penelope has always been an outcast. Penitent about her life, Penelope hides in the shadows, unwanted and not thought about. Being the “brainy one” in school was always a disadvantage for Penelope, pupils were repeatedly pestering her about her ingenious mind. Not only was Penelope self-conscious of her mind, she was continuously bullied for her family.

Penelope was a placid 14 year old girl, only known to a miniscule amount of people. Petite and slender, Penelope cruises around casually, minding her own business. Her long, flowing strands of dirty-blonde hair curl down her back. Being not so fond of trends, Penelope dresses casually, T-shirt, Jersey and jeans. Casual; that’s one word to describe Penelope. Her long, dirty-blonde is always tied into a long ponytail at the nape of her neck (looking a bit like a tail protruding from her neck).

Penelope's father Malcolm Lewis was a convicted murderer on the run.  Always moving and changing his address. Malcolm was a mangy, sordid man with a cruddy ashen beard. His robust body made it easy for him to terrorise his victims. Styled with all black clothes, Malcolm strolled around at night and always found a victim. With his beady bloodshot eyes, a crooked nose and thin lilac lips he was sure to make anyone he approaches quiver with fear.  

Penelope has a brother called Lucas. The tender and compassionate Lucas never left his sister's side. Lucas refused to kill, that’s why Penelope was her father's favourite. Penelope never killed but she always carefully hones the curved blades of knives. When her father kills, Penelope writes the sufferers name on a wall. She loathes it when her father tortured and killed, the casualties are so helpless. They didn’t do anything to deserve that. Honing knives was particularly mundane but it kept Penelope occupied. Lucas was always watching her until they heard a voice wail... “let me go, I didn’t do anything, i’ll do anything you want just let me go”!  

One murky day, Penelope was honing the knives as usual. When Sonny toppled onto the floor…  with weakness in his eyes. Startled by this, Penelope fled to her older brothers aid. With a knife through Lucas’s heart, Penelope knew that he wouldn’t make it. “Help me Penelope”... When hearing those detrimental words, Penelope fell to her knees weeping. She noticed that there was something peculiar about the knife, it was her father's. The same one he used for his male kills. Penelope was determined to get vengeance for her brother.

Penelope sprinted down the stairs, looking for the one man who could have an explanation;Malcolm. Malcolm was in the kitchen. The faucet was on, the crystal-clear water cleansing what looked like blood off his hands. Penelope howled, “did you kill Lucas?”, “Yes yelled Malcolm”, without a single look of regret, Malcolm seemed to be contented to hear that Lucas actually died. “Tell me the truth, did you kill Lucas?” screamed Penelope. “Yes I did Penelope and I am proud” It was with that moment that Malcom ran into the knife... he ran into the knife ten times.

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