
Thursday 15 March 2018

Behaviour strategies: How to be Assertive

- Strategies for being Assertive -

1. Know your priorities: Your priorities are what is important to you. For example, a priority you might have may be school. Not knowing your priorities can stop you from being confident. 

2. Eye contact: Eye contact is important so people know that you are listening and taking in what they are saying. You need to look in the other persons eye to show that you are interested.

3. Body language: Body language is important because it lets people know how you are feeling. For example, if you have your arms folded, this shows that you are closed in. Posture can show if you aren't confident. Having your shoulders back, chest out and a smile on your face can show that you are confident in your self, your beliefs and what your saying.

4. Voice: the tone of your voice can show how you are feeling, if you are yelling, this shows that you are angry. 

5. "I" statements: I statements are a way that you can express yourself. For example, "I feel that we haven't been talking to each other as much so I was just wondering if there is a problem between us that we need to sort out". If you say "you" it makes the other person more aggressive. It can make the person retaliate a whole lot and make the situation worse. 

6. Small victories: These are some things that can show confidence. Having some small victories can make you feel confidence as well. It can make you feel more good about yourself. You can hs

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