
Tuesday 20 March 2018

Oh crap it's a 20 minute writing challenge

"I didn't mean to kill her", father shrieked as the police brutally punched his now lifeless body. We all knew it was coming. Father might have seemed a kind enough man, but you can never really tell; at least not with everyone.

Father would always do the same thing everyday, he would, get up go to work, come home and go to bed. That was his routine, but we never knew what he did on the weekends. We knew he grew up with no one, our mother left him, so he really had no one to laugh with, or so we thought.

Tellula was fathers assistant and a psychotic maniac. She followed him everywhere! We never knew why she stuck for dinner and bought us presents. Little did we know that these presents and late night dinners with father were all part of her plan to bring devastation upon the whole earth. Tallula was nice enough, she wasn't born the way we were. She was born into a rich family from England, while we were born into a poor family in the Caribbean Islands, on the streets until father found us.

Tamika was my sister; that was until Tellula did something about it.  As the slyly walked across the corridor of our house, the eyes in the painting followed her as if they knew the sinful task she was about to undertake. She slid her hand onto the silver doorknob, turning it to the right. The door swooshed open to reveal Tamika, innocently doing her homework. When Tallula struck her with a knife and cantankerously and brutally murdered my older sister. I saw the whole thing, I knew this was happening all along, Tallula was evil, she never cared, those presents were just signs of a psychotic maniac.

But one thing I still don't understand... why did the police brutally abuse my father if he was an innocent man?

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