
Friday 9 March 2018

Today we where learning how to use paragraphs properly. Mr Taylor showed us a picture that we had to get our idea for the story from. It is below the story.

It started like any other day, the sun was shining, the birds were chirping, my life is mundane. I did the same thing everyday, get up, go to work, come home and go to bed. I live alone, I have no family, no friends. I guess you might think I have no social life, but I have friends… in my head.

Chipy is one of my friends, he comes to me when i’m lonely and whispers thoughts into my ear. Most of these thoughts make me sad, they make me realise how sad my life really is. “You need to go out, you don’t have any friends, no one loves you, you need to find a way to make people love you no matter the cost, you will die alone if you don’t” Most of these thoughts make me feel depressed, I cry because I think that people will not love me. All of that changed this very day.

I was driving along a wet, steep hill, when Chipy whispered a thought into my ear… “go faster, go faster, nothing wrong will happen” and was he wrong! I made my ute go even faster this time, not having a care in the world. Then Chipy told me to close my eyes, and I did. I ended up being thrown off the hill and in between the middle of these two trees.

I awoke to the haunting voice of Chipy telling me to jump, “jump out of the ute, you will be alright”. Chipy drove me to jump out of the ute. I was continuously falling. My hefty body landed on a branch, that was sticking up. It pierced my heart and blood was flowing out of my soon lifeless body. Yes, I died, but no Chipy is still here, in my head, still haunting my brain.

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